Year: 2021

This comfy flamingo loungewear set is all I can talk about it. Seriously, hello flamingos! I think the best part of this flamingo loungewear set is it is also a pajama set!

I have to say this is yet another reason why I love Ange Thomas’s writing. She did a great job in bringing back the story of The Hate U Give into Concrete Rose. The storyline is fresh and written in a great way.

I cannot tell you how much I have been looking forward to this interview with Jennifer Ryan of The Kitchen Front! As many of my readers know, I love historical fiction. There really is something about reading a story set in another era. The Kitchen Front is no exception.

I enjoyed the Greek mythology mixed into the YA fantasy. This book’s action is spot on, and the characters do an excellent job of carrying such a bold, strong subject. HOWEVER, I have a few complaints.

After spending a few years researching the world of books, the publication process, and reading hundreds of books, I thought it was the best choice. Deciding on an editor was tricky. I wasn’t sure where to begin in the freelance world.

My march tbr reading picks are here. Every month, I choose a collection of books from various genres to read. It all depends on what catches my eye when I am book shopping. It can be the cover or summary. Honestly, it just depends on what interests me.

First, I want to say a HUGE thank YOU to the author Erin A. Craig! She sent me a copy of Small Favors just because and I could not have been more excited! Find out my thoughts on her new novel Small Favors! A Rumpelstiltskin storyline!