Month: November 2021

The Facility by M.S. Tummolo is today’s feature read. I’m excited to share more about this book with all my readers. First, this book is a sci-fi adventure read set in the future. It’s unlike any other books I’ve read recently and one that I found myself thinking about even after I put it down for the day. Now, I don’t want to give any spoilers away, so I won’t be giving any specific details (you’ll have to get your copy to find out more), BUT I will provide you with an overview!

In Every Generation by Kendare Blake is a new book I just got from Disney Books. It’s the first book I received from Disney Books, AND it’s an early advanced reader copy! How awesome is that? Needless to say, I dove into this book headfirst and did not put it down until I finished. I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed this YA fantasy read too!

When in Doubt Wear Red is my motto every time I end up not deciding what to wear! I always end up gravitating towards something red in my closet. I decided to finally wear this two-piece outfit I ordered from Shein.