Winterset Hollow by Jonathan Durham Review is here! First of all, I have to say I am so excited to chat about Winterset Hollow. This book combines the genres of fantasy, action, and even thriller! The unique premise and combination of genres set this book apart from the rest on my shelf.

For readers who have not heard of Winterset Hollow, the premise centers around what if your favorite book and characters were real—if only for a day? But as the saying goes, be careful what you wish for because when wishes come true, you must prepare for what it entails. In Winterset Hollow, it entrails deadly twists on Addington Isle.
The group of friends led by Eamon (who I love!) goes to their favorite place in their favorite book, which centers upon a tribe of animals getting ready for a festival. But in experiencing the world in the book, this group of friends discovers how real fiction can be and the dark reality behind the words they once read and viewed as just a story.
The invitation of Barley Day awaits. Will you join the hunt?

I won’t give any more details away! You’ll have to get your copy of Winterset Hollow to find more out. BUT I will say though the intermix of genres combined with the well-rounded group of characters drove the book’s plot. It also held my attention as the twists were brilliantly woven in! There are different parts of the book these characters enter in, too, right after each separate part, which I loved. I also really enjoyed the voice. At one time, I was so entangled with these characters I didn’t put it down for at least an hour straight!
I recommend checking out Winterset Hollow!
For those who have read it, be sure to comment or message me your thoughts. Shop Winterset Hollow on Amazon too! I’d love to chat with you all about it. You can also find out more from the Author Jonathan Edward Durham on his website, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Note: This is a paid feature.