I was so excited when Random House emailed me about Grace Draven and her new novel, Raven Unveiled. I knew I needed to bring Grace on the site for an interview to share with us more about it! The first book I read by Grace was Radiance, and now that I got my copy of Raven Unveiled, it is what I plan to read next!
Grace Draven, welcome! So excited you’re joining us! Tell us more about Raven Unveiled.
At its heart, it’s a story about a heartless assassin finding his soul for the sake of his child. It’s also about a woman who accepts that there is a darkness to the magic she’s inherited. These character arcs take place in a brutal kingdom in the throes of collapse. These two people must unite to overcome the obstacles of their own inner demons and a ravenous, otherworldly entity that consumes the living and the dead.
What’s your favorite scene in Raven Unveiled?
My favorite scene is probably one in which the main male protagonist, Gharek, has a conversation with the character Asil from Dragon Unleashed. I like to think it’s about asking forgiveness without expecting it and expressing regret without giving excuses.
Who was the trickiest character to craft?
Gharek, hands down. This man was a villain in Dragon Unleashed and is a very morally gray antihero in Raven Unveiled. The tricky part was writing a redemptive arc that made sense for this particular character as it relates to his backstory and actions.
What is it you hope readers take away from this book?
First and foremost, I’d like for them to be entertained by a good story. I’d also like them to ask, “What would I do in such an extreme situation?” I think this question applies to both Gharek and Siora in different ways.
Raven Unveiled by Kevin Wilson
Genre: Humorous Fiction
This book centers around Siora who has a special ability. She can speak to the dead.
Read more reviews on the book index here
Buy this Book: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Books-a-million | Audible
How long did it take you to write Raven Unveiled?
Including edits, almost a year.
Let’s talk more about your writing. Did you always want to be an author?
No. I loved storytelling but from the standpoint of a reader. I didn’t start writing until 2003, and that was just a hobby. I started doing it professionally in 2005 and full-time in 2015. Until then, I worked in finance and tax. It’s been a blessing to be a full-time author, very much a dream come true, even if I was a little late to the table with that dream.

Walk us through a day in your life when writing. Do you have to write in a certain spot? At a certain time of day?
I don’t really have a writing schedule. It’s catch-as-catch-can. We’re a family of five, with one child low enough on the autism spectrum to need 24-hour monitoring and care. And up until last year, I homeschooled my other two kids. Before that, I also telecommuted from home as a financial analyst and audit coordinator. Writing time was carved out were available—late at night, very early in the morning, during my lunch break, in the car while I waited for one child to get out of her fencing class, etc. I currently do most of my writing at a messy desk set in one corner of our game room. I’ve become very good at tuning out distractions.
Do you have any advice for aspiring authors?
Hone your craft. Learn to write well and never stop learning to write well. I still consider myself on the learning curve and always, always try to improve my craft.
Before I let you go, where can readers find you on social media?
I’m on Facebook and Instagram at: https://www.facebook.com/grace.draven/ https://www.facebook.com/GraceDravenAuthor/ https://www.instagram.com/grace_draven/ I also have a Twitter account. However, I keep that one strictly for the occasional announcement.
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