I’m so excited about today’s author interview with Hailey Turner. She joins me to chat all about A Ferry of Bones & Gold!
Welcome Hailey! Tell us more about A Ferry of Bones & Gold!
Thanks for having me! A Ferry of Bones & Gold is the first book in my Soulbound series, which is an LGBTQ+ urban fantasy romance. If you love mythology, you’d probably love this series. It’s not a retelling of any particular myth, but I bring to life a whole bunch of gods from many pantheons across the world.
There’s also a fated mates romance between the two main characters, Patrick (a grumpy mage) and Jono (an overprotective werewolf), that’s pretty ride-or-die. I have a lot of found family themes in the series as they build up their pack to take on some of the gods at the end of the world. But the first book is all about their meeting, how the Fates draw them together, and how they learn to trust each other.
What inspired you to tell the story of Patrick Collins and make him your protagonist?
I’ve had his story in my head for a very long time, and I have always loved mythology. So this series that encompasses his story is basically my love letter to mythology. Patrick’s story is the quintessential classic Hero’s Journey that you can find in some of the old myths, such as Hercules. In this one, Patrick owes a debt to the gods, and in order to repay it, he must win a war against the hells. But it’s not easy because where’s the fun in that?
What was the most challenging part of crafting the world of the Supernatural Operations Agency?
I really wanted to write this book and the whole series as an open world where magic is known, and the supernatural is part of everyday life. Figuring out how various agencies and communities would react to that helped me to create the idea of the Supernatural Operations Agency, which is basically the magical equivalent of today’s FBI. I like to give my urban fantasy romance books a foundation in the real world and go from there. Making sure everything ultimately made sense within the rules I’d given myself could get a little daunting at times, but I’m happy it all worked out.
Do you have a favorite chapter?
I do love the chapter where Patrick and Jono first meet in A Ferry of Bones & Gold. It’s at a bar, right before a fight, and the lust at first sight definitely jumps off the page. They’re flirty, and then it turns prickly, and that’s always fun to read.

Is there one character you found the trickiest to craft?
Most of the characters came easily to me. I knew their motivations, so that helped build out their personalities and how they’d react in certain situations. I think going into the book, having it well-plotted out, helped ensure I didn’t get stuck in any corners.
Let’s talk about your writing! Walk us through a day in your life when writing.
Well, I have a day job, so I write in the mornings and evenings on the weekdays around it. I used to write every day, but years of that hardcore schedule had me making a change this year to take weekends off. It’s been nice because when Monday comes around, I’m refreshed and really excited to write.
Did you always want to be an author?
Yes! I think every author will say that. I’ve been writing since I was a little girl, and I don’t think I’ll ever stop. I have a lot of stories I want to tell, and I can’t fathom not doing so.
You’ve written numerous novels in various genres. Do you have a favorite genre you write in?
I love writing fantasy because there are so many different sub-genres to play around in. Science fiction would be my second favorite, but creating a romantic story within a fantasy genre is a little easier for me.
Can readers expect any more books in this series?
Yes! The main series of Soulbound is complete and binge-able, but I have a spinoff novel coming out September 1, 2023, that spotlights a fan-favorite side character. That character’s love interest is a vampire, and it was really fun to dive into the paranormal romance aspect of the book.
Before I let you go, tell us where readers can find you on social media!
I love chatting with my readers. You can find me on the following platforms:
Instagram: @haileyturnerwrites
Facebook Page: @AuthorHaileyTurner
Facebook Readers Group: Hailey’s Hellions
TikTok: @authorhaileyturner