New Bookshelf Decor 2022 is here. I am beyond excited to unveil my bookshelves! The decorating project is one I have worked on for the past few weeks. It was definitely not as easy as it looks!

All the flowers came from the dollar store. Yes, that’s right, I went there and bought a ton of floral bouquets for only $1.25. Then I came home and unpacked all the different colors. The problem, though, was the stems. They were too long for my shelves. I then ordered wire cutters to cut them, but that turned out to be hard to do. They wouldn’t cut, and I kept not measuring them correctly. I then bent the stems, and custom fit them into my shelves.
But before I even thought about putting the flowers on my shelves, I had to sort out all my books by color. This sounds a lot easier than it actually is to do. I took all my books off my shelves, which was a ton of work. Then I sorted them into piles by color: red, blue, yellow, pink, purple, green, orange, white, and even a mixture. I placed them on the shelves by going from darkest to lightest. Finally, I put the flowers over the books and ta-da! I had my bookish shelf décor finished!
I had to say this is one of my favorite projects I’ve done with my books. It turned out better than I expected! What do you think of my new bookshelves? Do you like the floral design?
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