One Night on the Island by Josie Silver Book Dress unveiling! How beautiful is this book dress by the amazing Jacqueline Firkins? I absolutely adore this book dress, and I’m so excited to share why!
What is so unique about this book dress?
The unique part about this book dress is the design! This entire book dress is unique, from the neckline to the bows to the skirted bottom. I love how well the design and colors match the cover. When Jacqueline and I first started chatting about turning this cover into a book dress, I wasn’t sure how she would capture the essence of the cover. It’s a tricky one! But she completely blew me away when I first saw a photo. I love the bright yellow, and I love the skirt design. I think my favorite part of this book dress, though, is the neckline. The unique tie offsets the vibrant print of the skirt, allowing no part of this book to outshine another part.

How do you come up with what covers to turn to book dresses?
Jacqueline and I always message about books. Literally, every time I read a book now, I message her on Instagram! 😊 How we decide on a book dress, though, is we both have to absolutely LOVE the story. If we love the story and know the author engages on social media, we go for it. There have been some books we don’t both like, and we go ahead and pass on those book dresses. What makes it great, though, is getting the chance to chat with Jacqueline, who is so passionate about books. It is amazing when you get to chat with someone who loves books too.

I admit some books we both love. I look at the cover like, oh my gosh, is it possible to turn this into a dress? Every time Jacqueline blows me away with her designs! She has a gift, and I’m truly honored to get to share it with you all!
What book cover do you want to see turned into a book dress? Contact me and let me know! Also, share your thoughts on what you think of this book dress!
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